Tag Archives: spirit

‘Tis the season… for sparkly nails

I am officially in the holiday spirit. And with just two weeks left until Christmas Day, I want to do everything I can to savor the best parts of the season.

Yesterday I lit a Christmas-tree scented candle and watched a marathon of Christmas movies including Four Christmases, Christmas Shoes and Elf (well, I tried to watch Elf but then my dvd player broke.. fail).

Today I have a Christmas playlist going on Spotify and I have no intentions of turning it off until AFTER the 25th. Or maybe in January… I really love the holidays.

I also painted my nails a fun gold sparkle. It’s amazing how much a little nail polish can get you in the holiday mood. I want to play with other holiday nail ideas and found some great inspiration over on Refinery 29. I LOVE the candy cane/mint idea. But we’ll see if my skill level coincides with the results of the picture.

How do you get in the holiday spirit?